毕业后的职业. 约翰的
Johnnies have a unique education that helps them to lead meaningful lives 和 succeed across diverse professional fields—often trailblazing new 和 creative ways to make an impact. 在澳门金沙网赌登陆的大学, we are committed to preparing our students for life after college both in 和 out of the classroom: through the Program 和 through on-going professional development, 资助实习和奖学金, 为研究生院做准备.
Ranked #25 for Best Career 服务 by the Princeton Review
All of the Johnnies who have applied to law school since 2012 have been accepted.
Of our alumni were employed within 6 months of graduation.
Of alumni are employed in mid-level or executive-level positions.
我们的校友说,他们的澳门金沙网赌登陆的教育费用超过了经济费用. 在同类院校中平均只有42%.
我们的校友说St. 约翰的大学 prepared them well to continually learn 和/or succeed in graduate school.
我是怎么做的?. 约翰资助的实习很有效?
St. 约翰的大学 now guarantees a paid internship for every student who wants one, 和 who will work with the college’s process for placement. To see a list of recent internships undertaken by our students, please click here. 每个都是4美元,000年津贴, which can be used for internship-related student needs such as housing 和 travel. Students have interned in national science laboratories, 国会办公室, 出版社, 投资公司, 非营利组织等. On average, approximately half of Johnnies have completed a St. 约翰的-funded internship by the time they graduate—和 college is committed to raising that number over time.
在圣达菲,我们的实习项目叫做 阿里尔实习. 在安纳波利斯,它被称为 霍德森信托实习. All are donor-funded 和 college is grateful to our donors for this generous support. To see a list of recent internships undertaken by our students, 访问我们的职业数据页面.
St. 约翰的大学 students take advantage of two types of fellowships. 首先是 college-funded奖学金 for supplemental coursework 和 career-advancement opportunities that will prepare students for graduate school or a career. 的 second is national fellowship 和 scholarship programs such as the Fulbright, 白洁, 以及戴维斯和平计划.
的 college-funded奖学金 are referred to as Pathways. 他们最多为学生提供5美元,000英镑参加课程, 获得专业证书, 或者参加会议. 获得进修奖学金, 学生可以报名, 例如, 在医学院的医学预科课程上, 艺术课,以便建立一个作品集, or education courses to earn a license to teach in public school
的re are two kinds of Pathways 奖学金: General Pathways, 哪个资助美国的暑期项目, 和全球路径, 资助国际研究. Global Pathways are only available on the 圣达菲 campus. 所有这些都是由慷慨的澳门金沙网赌登陆学院捐款人. To see where students have recently completed Pathways 奖学金, please 访问我们的职业数据页面.
的 安纳波利斯的路径奖学金页面 和 圣达菲的实习和奖学金页面 provide more information about the Pathways program at each campus.
的 second type of fellowship—national fellowship 和 scholarship programs—are available to all college students in the U.S. 像美国富布赖特基金会这样的项目.S. 学生项目, 拜内克奖学金, 和 Davis Foundation Projects for Peace offer a wide variety of opportunities, 包括在海外的研究生研究, 为在美国的研究生学习提供资金.S.,以及暑期项目.
的 National 奖学金 和 Scholarships page for 安纳波利斯 和 圣达菲国家奖学金页面 提供有关这些程序的更多信息.
Staff at Career 服务 in 安纳波利斯 和 Office of Personal 和 Professional Development in 圣达菲 assist students throughout the application process.
To see the national fellowship 和 scholarship programs to which our students apply, 访问我们的职业数据页面.
St. 约翰的大学 is known in higher education for our rigorous, classical liberal arts education. 我们的信誉, 结合我们学生的学术准备, helps students gain acceptance into some of the top colleges 和 universities in the world: from the London School of Economics to Yale, 哈佛大学, 和普林斯顿. Graduates also study at great arts schools like Rhode Isl和 School of Design, 茱利亚, 和 Sorbonne; at top STEM schools like MIT, 加州理工学院, 和 Johns Hopkins; 和 at local state schools 和 regional universities across the country including our own regional favorites: the University of Maryl和 和 University of New Mexico.
Our career services offices in 圣达菲 和 安纳波利斯 provide a full array of services to prepare for graduate school. 访问 OPPD准备的研究生网页 or 就业服务中心的研究生入学准备页面 开始吧.
Not sure how to begin preparing yourself for a future career or graduate school pathway? Most students aren’t—which is why our career offices are here to support you from the moment you enter St. 约翰的大学. 的 office in 安纳波利斯 is called the Career Development Office 和 office in 圣达菲 is called the Office of Personal 和 Professional Development也被称为OPPD. 从今天开始你的旅程吧.
Johnnies are self-directed learners, original thinkers, 和 problem-solvers.
在他们大学的四年里, Johnnies analyze more than 200 of the most influential texts 和 thinkers from across 3,000 years of Western thought: from Plato 和 Pascal to Adam Smith 和 Albert Einstein. 的y learn the foundations of mathematics 和 sciences by conducting h和s-on proofs 和 experiments, beginning with Euclid 和 journeying through Darwin 和 Faraday. 的y read, write, discuss, 和 dissect the trajectory of knowledge—literally 和 figuratively.
Johnnies are self-directed learners who thrive with new 和 challenging material. 的y are sharp analysts, creative 和 courageous thinkers, 和 clear communicators. 他们在团队中工作很好, 而且,他们知道如何倾听, 他们知道如何提问, 和y know that collaborative inquiry works better for everyone. 最终的结果? Johnnies excel at solving difficult 和 new problems—just like the ones facing every organization today.